Enabling Secure Remote Connectivity for Apple Devices

With over one billion active users worldwide, Apple continues to offer the most diverse product line from Apple Watches to Macs, to iPads and iPhones.

As Apple’s 10 year anniversary approaches in September, big plans are in store for iOS 11 to bring new features to the iPhone and iPad this fall.

While updates to the mobile operating system will enhance functionality, they will also bring additional security vulnerabilities into play that can expose personal data if it is not protected with proper security measures.

For companies that have implemented a BYOD environment, iPhones and iPads must be monitored and secured with virtual private networks (VPNs) to avoid potential security breaches.

While integrating mobile devices into your company’s work culture is convenient for employees, it can leave corporate networks in danger if security precautions aren’t established.

A secure remote access VPN, paired with cybersecurity policies like multi-factor authentication, can help defend mobile communications and protect sensitive information from external threats.

By leveraging a VPN, endpoint devices can communicate through a secure encrypted tunnel, which makes it difficult for an attacker to access an IoT device and breach a network.

Additionally, the centralized management of VPNs is key for the continuous maintenance and monitoring of security updates and certificates.

The NCP Secure Enterprise iOS Client, available in Q3, provides users with the benefits of a comprehensive, fully-automated remote access VPN solution.

Since the release of iOS version 9, Apple has provided third parties with an API to integrate their own VPN clients into the iOS system.

The NCP Secure Enterprise iOS Client leverages this technology and is specifically designed for medium to large sized companies. The management interface scales up to thousands of clients and offers integrated processes for optimal management. Features include:

  • Strong Authentication - Certificates with RSA or ECDSA algorithms can be used and stored in the iOS key chain in an area accessible only to the NCP Secure Enterprise iOS Client. In addition, the user can be authenticated using the fingerprint sensor (Touch ID) to set up the VPN tunnel.
  • Secure Connection - In addition to manual connection configuration, the NCP Secure Enterprise iOS Client also supports VPN On Demand. This keeps the user connected to the company office at any time regardless whether they are using Wi-Fi or connected via the mobile network.
  • Centrally Managed - With the NCP Secure Enterprise Management Server (NCP SEM), all components of the NCP Remote Access solution can be managed centrally.

In summary, VPNs not only allow employees to securely access a corporate network, they enable companies to build an enterprise-wide remote access infrastructure and automate many routine operations.

However, as the number of connected devices continues to grow, managing multiple VPNs can quickly become convoluted.

To ensure a seamless operation, IT managers must have a centrally managed, remote access VPN system in place.

NCP's central VPN management solutions can easily integrate end devices into corporate networks and ensure secure connections are achieved even when employees are working from home.

With the introduction of the NCP Secure Enterprise iOS Client, available for download in the App Store this year, NCP supports all major operating systems and offers maximum security for iPad and iPhone devices.