NCP Talk with our new sales team members

Tobias, Marco, Alex, and Christian – together with the Key Account team, and Inside Sales – form the sales team here at NCP. While Tobias holds the reins as Head of Sales, Marco, Alex, and Christian take care of business development at NCP as Account Managers. They have all joined NCP within the last 12 months and are working together to strategically refocus sales and power ahead with developing new business. In our interview, they reveal the secrets to their success and why their job is more than just selling.

You arrived at NCP with just a few months or even weeks between you. Do you already feel like a team and have you developed a strategy together?

All four agreed: Right from the start, they harmonized excellently as a team, and complemented each other in many ways, both professionally and personally. “We don’t have any lone rangers on our team,” says Marco, and his boss Tobias agrees: “From the beginning, we felt like a whole. Nobody has called me the new guy yet – I think that speaks for itself!”. Working closely also makes planning a strategy for the future easier. They already have a lot planned and want to pull together with the remaining departments to bring NCP further forward.

What do you do as an Account Manager or Head of Sales at NCP? Do you have to spend most of your time on the phone and hurry from one customer appointment to the next?

The team chuckles. Of course, phone calls and deadlines are an inevitable part of our everyday acquisition work. “However, all of us are free to choose how we contact our customers,” adds Alex. We might make new contacts by e-mail and network personally at a Nuremberg Ice Tigers game. In general, however, our role is being the first point of contact for new clients and prospective customers. Tobias manages the team as the Head of Sales. His task is to develop sales at NCP in line with goals and business objectives.

Sales is often associated with pushy personalities who talk up their products like the stereotypical vacuum cleaner seller. What do you think about that?

“At NCP, we are far from talking up our products,” Christian replies. The sales team represents the business and is the first point of contact when our customers need support. To fulfill this role, you need to understand the challenges and problems facing customers and find the best possible solution together. Sales can only be successful by adding value. “And the best thing is when a customer is satisfied and even recommends us,” says Alex.

How do you work as a team? Do you do the same work or have your own areas of expertise?

Every member of the sales team has a wide range of experience in a multitude of sectors and industries: While Tobias started his career with an apprenticeship as an IT specialist, Alex was active in several areas, from telecommunications to selling coffee. Christian has significant experience with system integration, and Marco found his way through control and drive technology, where he also worked with remote access solutions and IIoT approaches (Industrial Internet of Things). With such diverse backgrounds, the team has all areas covered, and at the same time, every team member has areas they feel more comfortable with. The most important thing is that the four always work together as a team.

What challenges do you face most often in your work?

The primary goal is, of course, to protect each customer's IT infrastructure in the best possible way. However, every project and network environment proves to be very individual. Therefore, the biggest challenge is understanding the customer’s requirements and solving potential problems.

What do you think makes NCP products stand out?

Everyone agrees: “Made in Germany” is a unique selling point for NCP – we develop and manage our products independently at our headquarters in Nuremberg. “This allows us to create solutions that are always up to date and perfectly tailored to our customers,” says Tobias.

What would you like to share about NCP as an employer?

For Marco, the most important thing is that he has the opportunity to implement his own ideas at NCP. “Every employee brings their own experiences and opinions. It is great that you can also implement these in your own way,” Tobias agrees. Alex adds that he was warmly welcomed at NCP and immediately felt part of a team – and Christian feels this way too: “You are a human and not a number.“ This makes sharing tasks much more enjoyable on a personal level.

A final question: Which of you drinks the most coffee?

Tobias wears the crown of the coffee king. We rarely see the boss sitting in a meeting or at his desk without a cup of coffee.