Posts of category: IT Security

IT security is a critical asset for companies and authorities in 2021 – after all securing data communication affects the most important business activities and services across an organization. With the demand for remote and mobile working at an all-time high, organizations need to act strategically on endpoint security and IT administration to protect their networks and sensitive data. Cybersecurity is the spearhead of any IT infrastructure and needs to be considered strategically from the outset – from cloud computing, data center operations and IIoT to regulated industries or health applications. Find out everything you need to know about the world of IT security.

Web of Spies

Ever since Edward Snowden revealed the extent of state-sponsored espionage over the Internet in 2013 businesses have been acutely aware of just how vulnerable data communications are to being intercepted. It is no coincidence that in the same period cybercriminals have also ...

Staying Safe at Wi-Fi Hotspots

Wi-Fi hotspots in coffee shops, hotels, railway stations and airports have become a welcome resource for any business traveler, providing them with a convenient means to carry on working while on the move.

The World after Safe Harbor

In October 2015, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) declared the Safe Harbor Agreement for transferring data to the USA invalid. The decision was based on a lawsuit filed by the Austrian, Maximilian Schrems, who claimed that the data storage practices of Facebook in the USA did ...

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