NCP Talk with Ines - Team Lead Social Media

Tell us a bit about your-self: My name is Ines Raum, I have worked in the marketing department at NCP for 10 years where I am now Team Lead Social Media. In my spare time, I often spend time at the ice rink or my son’s soccer field.

First of all – congratulations on 10 years of NCP! What made you choose to stay with NCP for such a long time?

Thank you very much! There are a number of reasons: especially the team spirit, professional colleagues and the opportunity to participate directly and to make a difference. Short decision paths also play an important part. I particularly value being able to balance my career and family life.

Over the last 10 years, a lot has happened in your life, you are also a proud mom. How do you find balancing family and work at NCP?

I’m definitely a proud mom! Now I have two children. It can be a challenge working full-time and bringing everything together, but I think that’s exactly what I love. I/we are well organized and I always put my family first, but I can also realize my individual career goals here at NCP. And when things don’t go to plan which could have a number of reasons such as daycare cancellations, NCP have always found a way to support me.

You were promoted from Marketing Assistant to Social Media Manager to Social Media Team Lead. Can you tell us more about that?

Exactly, I started as an assistant after the birth of my daughter and had the opportunity to get involved in all areas of marketing. I got involved in social media more by chance than anything else. As social media was growing in importance at NCP, I had the opportunity to take a professional course in social media management. Ultimately, this step has changed my career very much and led to my current position as team lead. In this role, I can significantly influence the social media and content strategy and contribute to shaping the NCP brand.

What challenges do you see in the area of social media?

Especially as an IT provider, we must pay particular attention to privacy concerns and the GDPR in every step of data processing for sweepstakes. We need to prepare these carefully with our data protection officer. Likewise, we have to watch trends carefully and our choice of language in many different channels. I have to juggle between the fan and business worlds. Finding the right images is also an important part of social media strategy – which is different for Instagram and Facebook in comparison to Xing, LinkedIn and Twitter.

NCP has been the main sponsor of the Nuremberg Ice Tigers for 2 years. As a Tigers fan, has that made work more fun for you?

Yes, definitely – now being able to connect my fan heart with my work is a real joy for me. Developing our Instagram content as an NCP/Ice Tiger site is already an absolute passion project of mine which I hope is reflected in my work. My absolute favorite this year was the Cityhunt together with the fans, but also other promotions are always special for me – a lot of work in advance, of course, but when I see the positive reactions, that confirms to me that we are absolutely on the right path.